The Office Of The Body

by Patience Worth

Patience Worth

Thus is flesh heir unto decay-
That tabernacle in the desert,
Swept by the ages, an instant's abode
For an utterance of God, which when
Flung forth, burned so mighty a heat,
That e'en Eternity feared,
And let it fall unto a cup to cool;
And cooling, behold! No longer then
The cup belongeth to the office.
Thus is flesh heir unto decay!
Who art thou man? What agony, what joy,
What ecstasy parted the God's lips
That He utter thee? Is not
The holy office then of flesh fulfilled?
Yet doth man cry out in anguishing,
And cling unto the cup in desperation,
Fearing, fearing to return the white pure echo
Of God's word unto its Utterer!
Lo, He pronounced in simple cadences
The promises, making of flesh-nothing,
Leaving the symbol of its nothingness
As He wert resurrected!

Last updated January 14, 2019