
by Pamela L. Laskin

Pamela L. Laskin

I dig
for words
in dungeons of darkness-
murky oceans
where sentences swim
among barnacles
algae sponges
and anemones;
sometimes the water stinks
like sewers
from which I scrape the rust of my mother

Your seeds
grow abundantly
fermented in rich soils
begonias bloom,
pollinated in faraway landscapes:
Namibian nuances,
Jerusalem juices,
irises from Istanbul,

abundance of flowers
secret gardens
rare fragrances
reading you
writing me.

Pamela L. Laskin

Pamela L. Laskin's picture

Pamela L. Laskin is a lecturer in the English Department at The City College as well as director of The Poetry Outreach Center. She is the published author of five picture books; two young adult novels (VISITATION RITES, 2011, the latest); five books of poetry (FERTILE GODDESSES, Pudding House Press and VAN GOGH'S EAR, Cervena Barva Press, the latest) and countless poems, essays and stories. She teaches Children's Writing to Graduate students and counts herself blessed to be able to write and teach wonderful young people.

Last updated October 17, 2014