Where we fall

As if on us there was a call
The path we took only heard us at all
Preparing joyfully lined up to foul
Singing uncontrollably we matched but fall

Only the groove steep side of a dreadful-like mountain
Promises us a true good fate, the fruitful pain
None isn't written, even beyond the brain
So we never made, the sea flows the deepest fountain

Osman cisse Hanif

Osman cisse Hanif's picture

Hanif is a humble and gentle boy who always focuses his mind to comprehend the nature of elements around him wherever he goes. He just wants to explore to know how natural nature is., He had spoken early enough at an unexpected phase while he was still crawling but walked later in life., It had been reported he spoke clearly even for the first time he was heard, his ability to speak as a child was heard clearly compared to other toddlers. A child who spoke clearly enough even before he toddled. This was no reason than that which reflected his attitude of loquaciousness. He has being having enough of this, and for this reason he always decided more often to express his thoughts and views about the world around him in written words.

Last updated January 06, 2014