Ndue Ukaj (1977) is an Albanian writer, publicist, and literary critic. He was a member of several editorials literary. He has also been editor of the magazine for art, culture and society "Identity" that was published in Pristina. Ukaj is included in several anthologies of poetry, in Albanian, and other languages. He has published books of poetry, shorts story, literature criticism, essay including “Godo is not coming”, which won the national award for best book of poetry published in 2010 in Kosovo. He has also won the award for best poems in the International Poetry Festival in Macedonia. Hi won also PRIZES 2013: The International Best Poets, Translators, Critics, and Poetry Magazines, Selections of Poems, IPTRC in Chines and Creativity prizes' in Naji Naaman's Literary Prizes 2016., His poems and texts are translated into English, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Finnish, Swedish, Turkish, and Chinese. Ukaj is a member of the Swedish PEN., Books:, "The Biblical Discourse in the Albanian Literature", AIKD; Kosovë 2004, "The Waterfall of Metaphors", M&B, Albania, 2008, "Arka e shpëtimit", Drita, Kosovë, 2012, "Gjithmonë diçka mungon", OM, Kosovë, 2017., "Krijimi i dashurisë", përzgjedhje poetike, botuar nga Festivali Ndërkombëtar i Poezisë "Ditët e Naimit", 2017, Tetovë, "Ismail Kadare: Kryqëzime leteare dhe kulturore", Onufri, 2019, "Mbretëria e ëndrrave", Onufri, 2021, Books in English, "Ithaca of the Word", translated by Peter Tase, published by Lulu Enterprises, USA 2010, "Godo is Not Coming" translated by Peter Tase, Lulu Enterprises, USA 2010, Book in Spanish, "Godo no viene", translated by Peter Tase, Lulu Enterprises, USA, 2010.