From the heart of your heart

From the heart of your heart
from the soul of your soul
You may forget the country sand
for hours you loved to tread upon
and the homely gods
for years you tried to trust upon
the first slap of baton on your back
the naked jump into chilled lake for a friend's sake
the broken leg while trekking the dream mountain
and the bitter lesson taught by the torrential rain
the first glance of love in innocent eye
with heavy heart when you said good bye
the boiling of blood when the knight in you awakened
and the heat of lust after years slowly slackened
the experience of cruelty by the hands of waiting
the lunatic ways of a prisoner of cupid staking
the smile you brought on a lovely face
and the missed chance with hush! in case
you may forget everything but one
that from the heart of your heart you loved somebody.


Mukeshkumar Raval's picture

Mukeshkumar Raval is an associate professor of English at G.D.Modi College of Arts, Palanpur. Gujarat, India.His poems are published in various national and international journals and anthologies.

Last updated September 20, 2013