Remembering of the dreamy age,
Fills my eyes with tears,
The sights unpolluted and clear,
Now changed into smoky and full of noise,
Where I played with cheerful friends,
Whom ruthless tides have scattered,
As the wind disperses the dried leaves,
A slight before the dead winter,
Some went abroad, some to the Town of Silence
What a delight it was!
At noon under the blue skies,
Running after the butterflies,
Delicate and nicely-colourful,
Spoiling the mustard farms,
Blossomed yellow, sharply fragrant.
The indignant landlady cursed,
Chasing with a stick wet and long,
But we always were out of her access.
In the days of torrential rains,
Under the noses of flowing spouts,
We stood long, making a noise,
The lightening thundered scaring,
Made me afraid, as if we,
The shouting children interrupt.
The grand office of God.
Then for diving and swimming,
Ran to the pond nearby the village,
Beside the huge banyan tree,
What a delicious bat it was!
In the muddy opaque water.
Each delight of child-hood,
Is soul-sucking, worth-recalling,
When before the wintry nights,
Played we all girls and boys,
Out on the ploughed farms,
Hiding in ricks and heaps of fodder.
Under the waning moon,
Unaware to the thoughts obscene.
Often in the downy steeps,
In the deep recesses of thick forest,
Drank water from the trickling fountains,
Carefree, oblivious to woes and worries,
Spent days plucking the sweet berries,
From the thorny branches bending down,
Laden with ripe red fruit.
Sometimes on the rocky ground,
By the luck benevolent we found,
In the fragrant bushes honey wild,
While getting the comb down,
The incensed bees stung the cheeks,
Then returned home swollen faced,
And got chidings kind of the parents.
The intoxicant spring approached,
With thrilling spirit, refreshing hopes,
The soft, gentle breeze blew.
Made the village drowsy fragrant.
In the swaying crops, blooming fields,
Blossomed wild poppies flowering red,
And when we ran bare-footed,
After the fluffy lambs, on the dewy grass,
The birds sang sweet melodies,
Hovered in circles over the head,
Making us feel their presence.
In silence at the warm nights,
A mysterious sound of the distant lute,
Enchanted throwing me into ecstasies.
If the childhood be a commodity,
And I had the heap of gold,
And wealth countless and untold,
I would buy without bargain,
The dreamy age second time.

Muhammad Shanazar is a poet from Pakistan, he started his career from very humble beginnings. In his early age he did all odds jobs, he ploughed farms, grazed of the cattle, mowed grass, sold vegetables, cut wood for fuel etc. He went school bare-feet and learnt alphabet of English at the age of 10. He had keen interest in getting education and his hard work led him to the heights of success. After having done Master in English Literature, he served for three years in Police Department then he got an opportunity in Higher Education Department as a lecturer. Now he is Associate Professor and on the verge of retirement, he emerged as a poet and translator in the world and got many international awards and literary honours. He is recipient of:, • Universal Inspirational Poet., • World Icon of Peace, • The International Best Translator 2012, • 1st Four Stars Ambassador in the World, • Admin of 400 Portals of World Union of Poets, • Naji Naaman Literary Laureate Prize 2015, • Extraordinary Ambassador for Gratis Culture, • Poet of the World, Cross for Peace, • Cross for Literature, • Pride of Pakistan, • Herbert Macaulay Award, • Nominee for the Nobel Prize 2015, • World Laureate in Literature 2017, • Pride of the Globe, • Literaurnost Gold Award, • The World Best Poet 2017, • Pride of the Globe 2017, • Ambassador of Humanity, • Poetic Galaxy Award, • Ambassador of Justice and Peace, • Ambassador De Literature, • Connoisseur De Poetry 2018, • one of The Best Six Writers of the World, • A Certificate of Recognized from UNESCO, • Noble Star for Literature 2018, • Global Literature Guardian Award 2018, • The World’s Most Inspirational Writer’s Award, • World Icon of Literature, • World Ambassador of Literature, • Temirqazyq The Best Poet of The World 2018, • Master of War Imagery, • Global Doves of Peace, • Living Legend Of 21st Century, • Honoured Poet of Pakistan, • Mentor of World literature, • Nominee for The Alternative Nobel Prize 2020 (Livelihood Award), • World Icon of Peace by World Parliament of Peace., • Anton Chekhov Award, The State of Crimea, Russia., • Master of Creative Impulse by Philosophic Poetica and Grand Production Canada., • Certificate of Achievement by Munir Mezyed Foundation for Arts and Culture, Romania., • Film and Literature International Award by World English Writers Union, India., • HIS EXCELLENCY Yasser Arafat Peace Award 2019., • Global Icon of World Peace, literature and Culture by Galaxy International Foundation, India., He is a life-time member of IPTRC China and International Writer Association (IWA), USA, Senator World Parliament of Literature, Dean-Poetry Critic and Assessment at Motivational Strips Academy of Literary Excellence and Wisdom. He is the Secretary General of World Institute for Peace Nigeria, 2nd Secretary General of World Union of Poets, Italy and the First Vice President of World Nations Writers’ Union Kazakhtan. He has been conferred upon Honourary Doctorate in Peace and Humanitarian Education. He writes against war, his work has been published worldwide in different anthologies., His published and unpublished books are Gems, The Cold Stars, The Dance of Darkness, Cries In The Wilderness, Voyages and Visions, The Black Roses, The Scent Of Love and Bells Of The Bygone Days. His translated books are The Alien Eyes’ ‘Wrist in the Clutches of Death’ ‘A Tempest In Silence, ‘Sugar Coated ‘Symphony and other Poems’ ‘Snowy Sunlight’ The Coin of Death, ‘A Garland of Poems’ Withering Dreams, A Saga of Love and The Crop Of Stars., For more information his name may be search on google.