Marjorie Kanter (Cinti, Ohio 1943) writes and gives creativity writing workshops from her base in Madrid and Tarifa, Spain where she has lived for the past almost 30 years. Her short literary pieces and poems are sparked from her journal entries and often focus on issues of in/communication within and across cultures. Author of "I displace the air as I walk", "The Saddle Stitch Notebooks", "The Bagged Stories" and "Im/politeness: One Hundred Im/polite Days" amongst other texts, she has participated in Public Word Art Installations and Interactive Projects at La Caixa, Lleida (In-Comunicación); La Noche en Blanco, Madrid (Historias para la Espera) and for Madrid Abierto. She is a researcher of Paul Bowles and his mixing of Codes in particular. She has presented her writing and offered training in events with The University of Alicante, the Contemporary Writer’s Forum of the University of Siegen, The University of New Orleans Masters Program in Creative Writing, La Caixa, Lleida, Performing Tangier in Morocco and others. "Writing found me. A need to communicate with self, take distance, get inside my feelings and experiences, all provoked me to keep journals that slowly turned into finished poem-like pieces often in narrative form.” http://www.elasunto.com/mkd.htm