by Mac McGovern
The years as they pass, like the orange blossom and the rose in the purest hope of spring; rise to create a new beginning.
My yearning heart exalts in celebration of lost years end, leaping for joy at the whisper of your name.
As evening descends, shaded by the great eagle’s wing, I am calmed by the love I carry into the twilight of my heart, and hold warmly within my soul
I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears through solace, rejoicing , as a new era of love and understanding overshadows the past and brightens a future renewed.
Standing in the hushed twilight, before frogs begin to sing, I listen to the last ship’s bell signal the wane of day. My exuberant heart beats as to leap from my chest. I wait in the crystal moonlight that reunites family so we may go as one in search of the glorious future that awaits father and son
Last updated April 18, 2013