by Kendrick Smithyman
Reasonable, strange:
think, that must be the case
for you if vows exchange
truth and ardour. Pulses chase
when discretions blow as winds head
west north east and south above your bed.
Marguerite, listen …
illusions may intend
to treat you well, but kissing
can prescribe another end.
Be most private soon. Prepare your bed.
Time has desires on your maidenhead.
Stealthily the poor
scowl in your direction
as you go by demure,
our godly man's distraction.
Slip a squeaky latch. Fold back your bed.
Perfume your plump body. Primp your head.
Who through the window?
Who, by the door?
Who sighs in the shallow
porch, in the narrow
hall, crosses the floor
towards you? Curl snug. Turn your head.
Do not deny the stranger your bed.
Last updated January 14, 2019