by Kathleen Lynch
She loves her husband, even though he is a fish. They
both had to make a lot of adjustments to married life.
Her friends and family don't see what she sees in him
and seldom come around any more. He had to leave
all of his friends and the spacious ocean to be carried
around in pans and jars or plopped into the plexiglass
tank in their apartment. Still, they're happy. They like
to watch TV together or listen to music, but mostly they
listen to each other. He tells her of his travels to the
primitive black deeps of the ocean, and of the beasts
which lurk there. He exaggerates, she knows, but she
loves a good story, so she pretends to believe what he
tells her. She tells him everything—she's a real talker.
Of course, they can never have children, but they enjoy
many cool baths together. On the whole, they have a
pleasant relationship. Only her hunger could change things.
Last updated April 02, 2023