Here We Are

by Jovica Tasevski-Eternijan

We crumble the night on a golden plate
and spatter the milky rhythm
of the spirit

Shall we find it
Shall we remove
the root

The moon peers at us
The sticky strands tie
our frail arteries in a knot

Bitter are the shadows of the barbarian key
when the sieve that bears us

This dark onrush will not settle
in our nucleus
We rage!

Translated from Macedonian by Marija Girevska

Jovica Tasevski-Eternijan's picture

Jovica Tasevski - Eternijan (born 25th July 1976, Skopje) is a renowned Macedonian poet, essayist and literary critic. He graduated from the Comparative Literature Department of Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Works in St. Clement of Ohrid, National and University Library - Skopje. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Macedonian literary magazine Stremež and a consultant for Macedonian poetry in The Other Voices International Project - an anthology of world poetry, included in the World Poetry Directory of UNESCO. Published books: "Нешто се слуша" (Something Can Be Heard, poetry, 1995), "Визии. Глагол" (Visions. Verb, poetry, 1997), "Веда" (Lightning, poetry, 1998), "Постојното, плимата" (The Constant, the Tide, literary criticism, essays and studies, 2000), "Клатно" (Pendulum, poetry, 2001), "Небесни стражи" (Heavenly Guards, poetry, 2004), "Посоки и огледи" (Directions and Reflections, literary criticism, essays and studies, 2006), "Синтакса на светлината" (Syntax of the Light, selected poems, volume 91 in capital project Macedonian Literature, 2008), "Синтаксис на светлината" (Syntax of the Light, selected poems translated into Bulgarian language, 2010) and "Syntax of the Light" (selected poems translated into English language, 2011). With Maja Apostoloska he edited an anthology of Macedonian poetry with religious, biblical and apocryphal motifs, published as a special issue of Stremež magazine. Also he is compiler of anthology of youth Macedonian poetry, entitled Unidentified Celestial Bosom (2001). He won The Enchanting Poet Award for excellent contribution in poetry writing, given by The Enchanting Verses Literary Review. His poetry have appeared in many literary magazines, it is represented in a number of anthologies and has been translated into several languages. He is a member of the Macedonian Writers' Association, The Poetry Society and of the World Poets Society.

Last updated November 16, 2011