by Joshua Kirkwood
Part Two (beta)
1. As the aeons, uncounted, unmeasured, transpired,
the Lord of hosts immortal vied
to bring to the fore,
true denizens of life,
with the power to choose between love, and strife.
2. As yet, only goodness unchallenged existed.
And so on, the heavenly host persisted.
But into the static paragon of heaven,
God placed one flaw, one imperfection.
3. Seeing this, the heavenly host decried;
"Look here! This is all we have been denied!"
And some stole away to this place,
in heaven, devoid of eternal grace.
4. Bitterness and jealousy
soon took root;
darkness was light; lies were truth.
This place became the opposite of heaven
perfection inverted, malice, unfettered.
5. Now God, knowing how
this would all come about,
prepared, for he had a plan to set out.
For you see, it were necessary for beings of light
to choose darkness, and distinguish wrong from right.
6. The foundation of his plan now implemented,
he set about explaining to the host, his intention.
"I will now make man and set him an home
of earth, and water, and sky for a dome,
to sustain and protect him, from the abyss
where no mortal life, or its love, could exist......
to be continued
Last updated October 02, 2012