by John Sibley Williams
for Jamaal May
Outside sheets are pulling
back together into bodies.
The wind confuses sway
with dance, asks the dresses
there’s no one left to wear
for one more go before
the music ends. We wait
for the well out back to
illuminate its drowned coins,
all the gods overrun by prayers
to choose just this one to answer.
We beat the rain from hanging
undershirts & sing like nothing
the sky can do can rust the birds
from our mouths. We promise
our children the world
is forever, that this time
the wolves won’t show.
The fields are smoke
& through the smoke
figures materialize.
Deer that might be
mothers or sisters, gutshot,
looking for a slice of shadow
to die in. So many hanging trees
we confuse with men.
Last updated November 25, 2022