The Broken Beauty

I see compassion in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What agony has taught you such tenderness?
I see kindness in your soul,
And I wonder,
What grief has taught you such gentleness?

I see light in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What suffering has broken into light?
I see wholeness rising in your heart,
And I wonder,
What brokenness has taught you such healing in life?

I see smiles blooming in your face,
And I wonder,
What bruise has brought you such beauty?
I smell the fragrance of your soul.
And I wonder,
What murk has taught you to unfold?

I see kindness in your face,
And I wonder,
What severity has taught you such softness?
I see gratitude lighting your cheeks,
And I wonder,
What loss has taught you such humbleness?

I sense peace in your soul,
And I wonder,
What struggles have taught you to surrender?
I see shimmer in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What darkness has brought you to such light?

I sense peace in your heart,
And I wonder,
What defeat has taught you such a submission?
I see humility in your face,
And I wonder,
What trials have taught you such a gratitude?

I sense freedom in your breath,
And I wonder,
What restraint has brought such a release?
I see soaring of your wings,
And I wonder,
What confinement has taught you to fly in sky?

I see the ocean in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What grief has brought such an oceanic vastness?
I hear the splashing in your laughter,
And I wonder,
What sorrow has brought this dancing madness?

I hear the brook babbling in your heart,
And I wonder,
What moss was gathered on the way that taught you to flow again?
I sense the delight in your soul,
And I wonder,
What sadness came with such wisdom, to release the running river again?

I see stars in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What darkness has given rise to the galaxy in you?
I see the sun rising in your soul,
And I wonder,
What night has brought such glory in rise?

.....Jayita Bhattacharjee

The Ecstatic Dance of Soul

Jayita Bhattacharjee's picture

Jayita Bhattacharjee....born in Calcutta, India, pursued education at the University of Houston in Economics. She is the author of The Ecstatic Dance of Soul, Crossroads of Life, One Woman's Unceasing Quest, Song of Eternity, Sacred Sanctuary, Self-Care Practices, How To Reclaim Your Dynamism, Dewdrops pf Compassion, A Collection of Short Stories, Writing As A Way of Healing, How to Make Peace with Your Past, How Poetry Heals An Injured Soul, Honoring The Past While Releasing It., Her Indian residence is in the vicinity of the place of epic pilgrimage, Belurmath. Currently, she is settled in Tampa, Florida.

Last updated February 19, 2025