Silvered In The Dying Light

by Ivan Donn Carswell

Silvered in the dying light she lies
a silent sleeping twinkle coloured Eve
who heaves and breathes a sinuous sigh
beneath her oiled and shimmering skin.
Upon my sandy feet she laps a gentle tongue
that licks the grains of sand and smoothes
my footprints to a varnished depth unbroken.
Through her sane indifference I see
an unaffected stability, an illusion
of the boredom where she mocks
the man who steps upon her.
Secure in her complete embrace
he lies, encircled in her potency,
undulating in the syrup swell
that sugars her eternal lie.
The lid of heaven closes on the eye
and sleep upon the mind of man,
lights burn out where darkness claims
her presence and she ceases her deceit.
I smile into the darkening gap,
the simpleness astounds me and berates
my adult innocence.
Your secret is mine;
am I your sacrifice?
She laughs and yawns a soft farewell,
a wave that smiles upon her placid lips
and turns the whiteness of her teeth
to snap a slap that bounds along
the dying shore. Be gone!
The eerie cry, a gull aloft, alone,
echoes long and lingers as I say
© I.D. Carswell

Last updated May 02, 2015