Love is War

The waves were mourners in cemetery
Deepening the tears in the grave cloths
Like the quick thunderstorms sounding
To refute coercive torrents on currents

My fears drizzled under the plain moon
Stars with their aprons and staff sinews
Double clicked the sky in the dead night
Like flames in the quick-hearted forests

With dewy heavily downloaded sunrays
Liberating the day from the hostile hours
The worthy clouds’ classified documents
Deducted me from incalculable damages

My cold fears evaporate into swift winds
My dreams blazed under the starry stairs
Now standing before the standing moon
Love is the war for peaceful losers to win

Adeola Ikuomola

Adeola Ikuomola is a Nigerian poet. Most of his poems have been published online and widely read newspapers. The Voice Of America aired some of his poems in Night line Africa.

Last updated July 14, 2015