Coral Beauty

Coral beauty on the effervescent sides of wet, languidly bubbled, over each ecstasy of wave,  in cornices of clinging, dumb with love that speaks
In a secret shore. Splurged, plunged,
purged, of wave meeting rock, rock feasting waves,  they pace the undercurrents of  the curves
Of  night touch, softly abdomened all over; in  curls they snail , on, coved  beyond love’s
requited seeking, nonplussed with ring waves of green wort,
Of sea flora that cling with  clitoral gentleness ,
before ecstasy turns to fail, and  they fall off their orgasmic precipices,  in muted crying to the lit night stars
for love, love's  ended  unending.

The Zong

Gopikrishnan Kottoor's picture

Born (1956), Trivandrum, Kerala, India., Winner, All India Poetry Prizes, Poetry Society, India-British Council Awards (96, 97, 98), and other leading poetry prizes. Poetry published in Ariel (Canada), Orbis (UK), Nth Position (UK), Bluefifth Review (UK), Toronto Review (Canada), The Illustrated Weekly of India, Kavya Bharati (India), Fulcrum (USA), Verse, Seattle, (USA), Indian Literature, Arabesque Review, Plaza (Japan), Chandrabhaga (India), and others. Founder editor, Poetry Chain. Participant, MFA, Texas state University, (2000) Poet in Residence, Augsburg University, Germany (2004). Important works : Poetry : Father, Wake Us In Passing, (German Translation, Wolfgang Heyder) A Buchenwald Diary, Mother Sonata, Victoria Terminus, Poems Selected and New (2010). The Coloured Yolk of Love (2012). Drama: Fire In The Soul The Mask of Death. Novel : A Bridge Over Karma (Novel). Poetry included in The Bloodaxe book of Contemporary Indian Poetry In English, The Golden Jubilee Anthology of Post Independence Indian poetry In English, and Poetry Society, India anthologies.

Last updated May 29, 2012