by Gopikrishnan Kottoor
Coral beauty on the effervescent sides of wet,
languidly bubbled, over each ecstasy of wave,
in cornices of clinging, dumb with love that speaks
In a secret shore. Splurged, plunged,
purged, of wave meeting rock, rock feasting waves,
they pace the undercurrents of the curves
Of night touch, softly abdomened all over;
in curls they snail , on, coved beyond love’s
requited seeking, nonplussed with ring waves of green wort,
Of sea flora that cling with clitoral gentleness ,
before ecstasy turns to fail, and they fall off
their orgasmic precipices,
in muted crying to the lit night stars
for love, love's ended unending.
The Zong
Copyright ©:
Gopikrishnan Kottoor
Last updated May 29, 2012