Consider the Possibility

by Glen Martin Fitch

Look, no one's watching.
Even if they stare at you,
they're thinking about debts,
or pain, or moments lost,
they never will regain.
You're no one special.
They don't really care.
And if they dare,
you meet each stupid leer.
You show them
you have courage,
strength and will.
And if you fail.
Your laugh will make them ill.
So fuck 'em
if they're paralyzed by fear.
Now, grab this chance
to earn a memory,
to spin past gravity,
transcend the grave.
Light-headed, weightless, giddy,
bold and brave
through movement, music, magic
you'll feel free.
If life is dying,
why not take this chance.
Get off your ass, you fool.
Get up and dance.


Glen Martin Fitch's picture

Glen Fitch is a 16th Century poet lost in the 21st Century. Born near Niagara Falls, educated in the Catskills, thirty years on the Monterey Bay he now lives in Palm Springs. Retail not academics has paid the bills. Someday he will finish Spenser's "The Fairie Queene."

Last updated August 23, 2011