Darkness is gone
from the night
and light returns
in the early morning
after Winter
Spring begins.
Everything dies
to be reborn.
Children generate children
and if life passes as
a gust of wind
man in remembrance
eternal spark.
FAIDDA ETERNA (original version in sicilian language)
Passa lu scuru
di la nuttata e
torna lu lustru
a prima matina,
doppu lu Mmernu
accumencia Primavera.
Ogni cosa mori
pi rinasciri.
Figli figlianu figli
e siddu la vita passa
comu ‘n sciusciuni di ventu,
l’omu nni lu ricordu
faidda eterna.
SCINTILLA ETERNA (italian translation)
Passa il buio / della nottata e / torna la luce / all’alba, / dopo l’Inverno / inizia Primavera. // Ogni cosa muore / per rinascere. // Figli generano figli e / se la vita passa come / un soffio di vento, / l’uomo nel ricordo / resta, / scintilla eterna.//
(English translation by: prof. A.Di Pietro)

Gero Miceli was born in Agrigento in 1985 and resides in the small town of Grotte., He's Academician of "Il Convivio", member for Italy of the World Poets Society, Provincial Delegate of Agrigento for ANAPS (National Association of Artists Writers Poets) judge for literary prizes, volunteer of the Italian Corps Rescue of the Order of Malta., His poems have been published in various literary magazines and in several Italian and foreign anthologies. He is one of the authors who writes in Sicilian, chosen for the project LIReS (Language of Identity Research and Development) 2007/2008, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, the University and Research Office of Education-Region of Sicily ., He has published Kori (Medinova, 2006) and donated the proceeds to a UNICEF project., The book (III Award "Ignazio Buttitta" Favara (AG) and the Merit "XXXIII International Award of Marineo City") has received favorable opinions from the public and critics., Two of his poems have become songs: in 2007, "Vampiru" (Vampire) was made a song by singer-songwriter Marco Bartolo and in 2010 the religious poem "Sittanta voti setti” (Seventy times seven) was recorded by singer Sal Marchese, who has recorded a CD limited-edition of which the first copy was donated to the Holy Father Benedict XVI., Gero Miceli is currently the program host "A poet at the week" for the Italian radio program in Belgium called "Musica e parole" on Radio Si., Important authors and critics have appreciated the poetry of Miceli, including: Alessandro Quasimodo, Alda Merini, Davide Rondoni, Ignazio D. Buttitta, Giorgio Barberi Squarotti and Marco Scalabrino.