by Gérard de Nerval
The god Kneph, trembling, rocked the universe.
Isis, the mother, arose then from her couch,
Gestured in hatred at her savage spouse,
While an ancient ardor stirred in her green eyes.
"Look at him now," she cried, "the old pervert dies,
All the cold of the world has passed through his mouth;
Tie down his twisted foot, blind his squinty eye,
For he is the king of winter, volcano's god.
Already the eagle passes, a new spirit calls;
For him have I donned the gannents of Cybele,
For this child, beloved of Hennes and Osiris ..."
So saying the goddess Red on her golden shell;
The sea brought back to us her divine likeness,
And the heavens streamed radiant from the scarf of Iris.
Last updated March 05, 2023