Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous english poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best English Poetry
- XV: To Heaven by Ben Jonson
- Yardley Oak by William Cowper
- Yarrow Revisited by William Wordsworth
- Yarrow Unvisited by William Wordsworth
- Yarrow Visited by William Wordsworth
- Yasin Khan by Laurence Hope
- Yasmini by Laurence Hope
- Ye Carpette Knyghte by Lewis Carroll
- Ye Flags of Picadilly by Arthur Hugh Clough
- Ye Old Mule by Sir Thomas Wyatt
- Years by Walter Savage Landor
- Yes Leave Me by Eliza Acton
- Yes, I'l Mary You, My Dear by Pam Ayres
- Yes, It Is Spain by Nancy Cunard
- Yes, It Was The Mountain Echo by William Wordsworth
- Yes. by Brian Taylor
- Yesterday by Edgar Albert Guest
- Yesterday Lost by Ivor Gurney
- Yew-Trees by William Wordsworth
- You by Edgar Albert Guest
- YOU by Barry Tebb
- You and I by Roger McGough
- You And Your Body by Edgar Albert Guest
- You Ask Me, Why, Tho' Ill at Ease by Lord Alfred Tennyson
- You Blew Smoke Into Our Eyes by Graham Cunningham
- You charm'd me not with that fair face by John Dryden
- You Don't Believe by William Blake
- You Gote-heard Gods by Sir Philip Sidney
- You Know Where You Did Despise by Alexander Pope
- You Looked So Tempting In The Pew by Robert Louis Stevenson