The Lilacs

by Edgar Albert Guest

Edgar Albert Guest

IT'S hard to find fault with the world
With the lilacs in bloom at the door,
Then the banners of Grouchdom are furled
And life is worth living once more,
The loved ones gone yonder come back
To breathe once again their perfume,
And joy has a clear, open track
With the old-fashioned lilacs in bloom.
We all are together again,
The mother that loved them is here;
The grandfather taps with his cane
The walks that he once held so dear.
The family circle is whole
And sunshine has banished the gloom,
And memories sweet flood the soul,
With the old-fashioned lilacs in bloom.
Home is nearer to Heaven it seems,
And the stream that divides not so vast;
For we live once again in our dreams
The scenes of our sanctified past.
And back to us come in a troop
The loved ones, asleep in the tomb,
To sit for a while on the stoop
With the old-fashioned lilacs in bloom.

Last updated January 14, 2019