It must be love

It must be love
Makes the sap in the willow run dry.
It must be love
That turns the sapling to lifeless wood.
It must be love
That saps my veins of the tears I cry –

It must be love,
And love can do us no good.

It must be love
Makes the gull on the wind’s back cry.
It must be love
Makes his dull eyes glint after food.
It must be love
Makes his nest-bound chick fall, or fly –

It must be love,
And love can do us no good.

If one could only live like a toadstool;
An inkcap, sheltered by a tree in a wood.
To die in bloated self-sufficiency,
Or hardened to the stranger’s touch – but no,
Love comes like a wind to scatter the spores –
Love can do us no good.

I teach English in Catania, have self-published 3 chapbooks of my poetry. Would very much like a readership as am tired of being my own biggest fan/critic. My favourite poets are Philip Larkin amongst English and Burns amongst Scotch poets, Yeats amongst Irish poets. I enjoy poetry that has some metrical shape, some traditional tricks such as rhyme and so on - I strongly dislike poetry that is what I would term 'a self-indulgent splurge' - but most of us do, it all depends on your reading position...that's it!

Last updated May 20, 2011