
by Diane Fahey

Diane Fahey

Crows with sensibilities like aqualungs
thrive in the murkier regions of the cage.
De profundis, fledgling sparrows try
their wings, aiming for the highest swing.
Upon dead branches that move beneath them
pigeons flock who love townhalls and monuments,
and parrots with brazen eye and limited vocabulary.
Blackbirds with bitter darting looks
see it all and keep their cool. Peacocks
parade their imaginary lawn, the floor.
Squat on neat wooden bars, birds
stuffed with birdseed gaze, while above
the desperate doves beat against the roof
and their wavering wing-shadows flick
across closed, satisfied beaks. Lemon-coloured
canaries twitter and watch the crows.
An eagle with broken wing sweeps with visionary
eyes the darkness between birdbodies.

Voices from the honeycomb

Last updated January 14, 2019