A Caring Heart

by Charles Eric Carroll

A caring heart,
A smile, a wave, a wink!
A moment that makes you stop and think.

You're not alone, even though it seems, no one cares,
Lonely and surrounded by blank looks and empty stares,
But there is someone out there, someone who deeply cares.

Like searching for a diamond, evasive it seems,
Impossible to find, even in your wildest dreams,
But find it you will, ending your heart’s longing pleas.

As you search for the diamond, through endless grains of sands,
A battered heart, on swollen knees and bruised hands,
You'll find the one, that one, buried in the deepest of sands.

The search may be painful, tedious and dark,
Trouble maybe all that you find from the moment you start,
But you will find that diamond and it will be dear to your heart.

A caring heart,
A smile, a wave, a wink!
That moment will come and your hearts will sync.

October 15, 2014

Charles Carroll's picture

I am a writer from California. I know my poems are very pedestrian, but I'm working on it. Thank you. I hope you enjoy. May you be blessed.

Last updated November 06, 2014