Shine On Me

Shine on my heart, Oh Morning Star!
Keep my thought from wandering far.
Shine on my way, Oh Light of God!
Stay my steps lest I plod.

In my dark hour, send the light;
The pillar of fire that lights my night.
When doubts swarm my heart like bees,
Cause the wind to sweep the fleas.

When death roars, rocking my peace,
Shine on the Throne, my centerpiece;
Where your crown waits for me,
As you burnish and make me glee.

Oh, what grace to see that Day!
When You come to lead the way.
On grace I'll stand, a tiny star,
Beside th' bright Morning Star.

Lagos, Nigeria

Celestine S. Ikwuamaesi's picture

A Christian writer and novelist. Has written 4 Christian non-fiction and 1 novel. Written a collection of spiritual poems yet to be published.

Last updated October 13, 2013