Vitiligo Blues

Got a light-skinned girl look like Michael Jackson
Got a dark-skinned girl look like Michael Jackson

Catallus the poet who wrote a definition of pain Odi et amo I hate and I love Quare id faciam
fortasse requires Perhaps you wonder why I do it Nescio I do not know Sed fieri sentio et
excrucior But it I feel and am benumbed by it Pain the natural extension of force on the body
Odi et amo et sentio et excrucior Pain not the want but the reverberations of the want Pain the
consequence of overwhelming force nescio if great sweet pleasure could bloom instead from the
pressure that might explain the want for it better quare id faciam fortasse requires Pain an ironic
cash for gold sign over a White Boy Word Shed Pain the sign glowing through every backyard
show like no one ever walked under it a gate to selling lost loves away Pain it strikes every time
like the news of Michael Jackson’s death thought it was a joke when I first heard Michael every
word come down about you a long time seemed like a joke out drinking the news felt true soon
though amo fieri sentio et exrucior every one of your tunes shutting the club down like propofol
for an alternating current sentio odi amo Pain the white in you seeping out onto your skin like
that odi et amo reminds me of my half laugh at that sign for cash Pain I would’ve cut my face up
too I would’ve stopped everything all my rapist forefathers crawling in patches onto my flesh
like that I would’ve sliced my nose right off to spite them bleach my skin to show how
frightening an invasion of whiteness can be

Last updated March 30, 2023