by Carla Harryman
Inside, the car spins beautiful webs.
"With one clear picture of an individual collective abstraction
is exposed. There is no smoke rising from over there.
"Let me tell you," he swallowed her and spit her out, "it is a
"Sing to me, she slipped.
"I don't intend," he said, "to imitate poetry but to be imitated
by it.
"I live in a fabrication near something I have never said before.I
can't see my doctor and when he .. .I do see him he pelts me syn-
tactically. My assignation burns toward abstraction. Because im-
peratives never blow over, get on your feet! Stumbling through this
padded interstice, my body has limits. Yours doesn't compare nores.
"But let me tell you a story. I am civilized:
The high illusion constrains the pent-up trees. We float beneath
them tortoises bathing in the night. It is primitive. We creak in
the fog. The outboard motor racket mutes the wall like a powwow.
A small echo fishes with a person's features. Me talking fuses to
you. Puberty here, fantasy there." He paused, basing his headtrip
on the profile of a sated barbarian. Then proceeded to deliver his
child with unconscious mirth.
Surprised by his use of words, the moral presence swelled to
veracity plunging the social salad into the contemporary fork. She
looked deep into the nmerchandiser's past. "Yes," she said, "but you
enjoy suffering."
Because there was nothing else, he waded across the pool,
fading into a mental fog, which, to this day, fuels its maws with
the purest minds.
A robot adjusted her seat in the ornate theater. If this was
merely an eidetic image why did she want to be nursed? Nothing stuck out.
lt was hot, beautiful. True and the same at the same time.
The scooped-out center of the continent described the middle of
life without describing a figure. Standing around in serialized pla-
teaus was enough to make you cry. But Heeting mammals sucked up revolt.
Oversensitivity was wrong. She wrenched her mind from its
wasteland of souvenirs. "Where is that bastard? She couldn't get enough.
He was bechind the door, hiding from the spirit of the new world.
Last updated December 02, 2022