As I lay dreaming your beauty touches my soul...
The whisper of a breeze offers your gentle caress,
The mystery of you envelopes my being,
teasing my senses,
Awakening for the purity of a touch,
The slight murmur echoes in the depths of my essence,
Waiting, wanting...
As I lay dreaming your presence engulfs me...
A silent song guides my being to the wonder of you.
Beckons my need to your core, coaxing,
Enticing till my resolve becomes invisible
My desire burns to be released to your secrecy.
As I lay dreaming your magic merges with my spirit...
A wild passion engulfs my body
Drawing me to the wonder of you,
To the stormy seas of ardour.
Inviting my thirst for you,
To the insanity of your offered delights.
As I lay dreaming the allure of you commands the body...
The frenzy of the storm raging within becomes you,
The fury firing the craving
For all of you in the secret of me.
The wildness of pleasures offering
No solace as I yield to your demands.
As I lay dreaming the splendour of you becomes me...
The light of the silver moon steals into destiny,
illuminating the truth of you,
highlighting your intensity.
The magickal moment seeps into tranquil honesty...
baring the gift of you, of passion
Copyright ©:
2011 Cara E C Vermaak

Cara Vermaak is a 46-year-old divorced woman, living in the wild and wonderful country of South Africa. She started life as a nurse, her need to help and care for people guided her to become a Natural Healer., One of her many passions is writing, the written word has a magic she cannot resist. Cara has written 2646 news articles; in addition she has written articles concerning, the spiritual and esoterical life, natural healing and many other topics to enhance the life of others. The articles are varied and scattered in many publications., Cara is currently working on her 4th novel, “A Touch of Murder”, which is based on the cases she has worked on as a volunteer searching for missing children in South Africa., Cara is proud to have been the creator and the voice of "Angel Whispers", a loving radio feature which embraces people from all over the world and encouraged them to enjoy one day at a time, knowing they are prefect in their own special beauty, An American friend, Jony, entered her “Dances” as poetry into a global online poetry contest; she was voted the number one poet for seven weeks, judged by the number of hits to her work., Since 2004 Cara published 3 Articles per week for a magazine targeting single people searching for love. Focussing on her no knowledge of passion. This magazine has 70 000+ subscribed members. All of these published articles has had a profound effect on single people world wide., Cara suffers from the virgin syndrome and searches for the cure. The fear of passionate encounters has pursued her since childhood. The teachings of her mother were focussed on chastity., Cara believes in the Touch of Love. She lives in solitude loving the world.