by Anthony Seidman
Keeper of bone-keys
unlock my
ribs, and reveal
red spider spinning her web.
Angel of hallucinogens, mistress
of anesthesia, venom’s
courtesan, castrate me, eat my
foam, slit afternoon from my wrists.
Lady of sulfur,
stir my heat
that I may hatch eggs
of a salamander.
Lady of clay
shatter my pitchers.
Lady of thirst
hone your blade.
Lady of stone,
noon has erupted, tart with dust.
Three slatterns wait
in the temple atrium;
their breasts are pendant, and they
unleash this rain of milk
as I enter you so that
we become the girl
who bled her father from every phallus,
whose dancing makes
the poet write afire
the priest skin the cadaver,
and man sweat his birth anew.
Last updated December 24, 2022