Changing Winds

The wind is screaming change

and as it blows I wonder,

of things that could have been

so with the wind I flounder.

The wind is screaming change

but I don't think I'm ready,

To face such change alone,

and somehow staying steady.

The wind is screaming change

if only, if just only,

and the wind moves on

hate to feel so lonely.

The wind is screaming change

while I'm hanging on,

since nothing stays the same

whether right or wrong.

The wind is screaming change

but change is not for me.

how to hold it back

I may not want to see.

Ana M. Torres's picture

Ana M. Torres is a published author and poet. She published novels Love Child and its sequels Child No More, and Child Scorned. She is also the author of three Christmas/short story poetry books J and K Christmas, and the sole Shadowed Tears. She was born in New York and is the mother of two boys Jason and Kristofer.

Last updated September 05, 2022