by Alan Bernheimer
What can be said of the unspeakable that has not already been unsaid
What kind of pill does it take
Is outliving enemies a hollow victory
Can moonlight prevent the leaves from stirring
How many presidents say “nucular” instead of “nuclear”
Is the brain constructed from activity
How is life on the natch
Is solid eye contact critical to being a hit
Who would fardels bear
What is the statute of limitations
Do you know you’ve arrived when carts are free
Do we get all the help we need from arithmetic
Who is as tickled as a dog with two dicks
Does something for everyone mean nothing for anyone
Would you be kind enough
How many lightbulbs does it take to change the world
Are you in this for the overalls
Do fine feathers make fine birds
Remember when a million was a billion
Can what they call civilization be right if people mayn’t die in the room where they were born
Last updated December 24, 2022