The Immigrant

Seeking solace. 
Seeking a home.

The immigrant finds,

Rotten prejudice. 
Fungal anger.  

The immigrant,

alone, hoping for,

A solitary chance. 

To belong. 

The immigrant,

alone, always,

An outside entity. 
Eternal outcast. 

A viral threat. 
A reeking odour. 

The immigrant,

ever alone,

and alone knowing,
that no place exists,

but that lost home. 


Afzal Moolla was born in Delhi, India while his parents were in exile, fleeing Apartheid South Africa. , He then travelled wherever his parent's work took them and he still feels that he hasn't stopped travelling. , Afzal works and lives in Johannesburg, South Africa and shares his literary musings with his most strident critic - his 12 year old cat. 

Last updated July 14, 2015