Bullet (Lead + Alloy)

by Adrian Matejka

Adrian Matejka

Lead in the belly, copper
& nickel skin in abundance
each year. 10 billion bullets

made in the U.S.A. each
year. Enough bullets to kill
most of us twice each year.

The bullet hits 3 times
faster than we can hear
its concussion. The bullet

breaks the air with its 2,182-
mph admission. The bullet
is a grim onomatopoeia

for itself. The bullet is
a slim allegory for a gun
happy nation & its attendant

segregations. Lead belly,
wrapped in the grinning
freedom amendment:

the gun is always more
important than the people
in front of it as the antagonists

tell us. & here we are again:
so many black women
& black men in front of it.

Last updated September 23, 2022