The Ugly Little Bird

Someone has pulled me out of the grass
Because I had fallen
From a black branch.

O sweet! O wild!
The cats are evil here!

O am an ugly little bird – with my soft beak
I keep pecking at the running brook
And I screech when at someone
Bruuised by the brute force I look!

My wings still cannot fly
But I love to travel.
My little feet I can hardly raise.
Restraining my wild little shudders
I feebly into the sky gaze.

I do not want to be in the nest
In which darkness keeps me warm.
Alone and all my own
Weak and strong,
I remain out, in the storm!


Admiral Mahic's picture

Admiral Mahić is member of Union of Writers and P.E.N.Club in Bosnia and Herzegowina as well as member of Union of Writers of Croatia. He lives as independent writer and editor in Sarajevo., So far, he published fourteen books of Poetry – two of them are translations in French and Slovenian, while others are published in Bosnian language. He was awarded “Slovo Gorčina”, most famous Bosnian literary award, as well as “Hvaropis” award in Croatia (2012).

Last updated May 27, 2019