by Monique Kwachou
Have you heard the cries?
They are not loud but muted
Barely there, unless you care to listen
Carefully bend your ear…
And if you close your eyes,
You’d see the silent tears that fall freely
Corroding ridges down the cheeks
Of patriots once so bold
Tears of pity, for us, for themselves
Tears of regret that they had ever fought
That they had ever thought things could be better
For who would have known that in removing the colonizer our own would continue the rape?
Or that franchise once fought for with blood would be so easily abused, ignored?
Who would believe that when granted their chance
women would condescend to be walked on again, and yet again?
And so the patriots cry, the matriarchs weep
You could hear them if,
If you would listen
Last updated July 14, 2015