Brief Poems

by A. M. Juster

A. M. Juster


To say Acerra stinks of day-old booze is wrong!
Each drink is freshened all night long!



Diaulus was a physician;
now he’s a mortician.
The undertaking’s the same –
it just has a new name.



Paul is reciting poems he buys.
At least he doesn’t plagiarize.



Dear Max:

Your reading opened with a whine
about your laryngitis,
but since your alibi was fine
why reread on and incite us.



Sex with Sertorius is anticlimactic;
rapid withdrawal is his typical tactic.



Since you both share the same approach to life
(a lousy husband and a lousy wife),
I am bewildered it
is not a better fit.



Your seventh wife, Phil, is buried in your field.
Nobody gets from land, Phil, that kind of yield.



Dear Telesilla,

Four times in one night is what I can do.
Damn! Once in four years is plenty with you.

Last updated November 13, 2022