Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous Irish Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best Irish Poetry
- Robin And Harry by Jonathan Swift
- Roger Casement by William Butler Yeats
- Rome Unvisited by Oscar Wilde
- Rory O'More by Samuel Lover
- Roses And Rue by Oscar Wilde
- Rotation Transformations by Gerard Beirne
- Rough Rider "Bucky" O'Neill by Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke
- Running To Paradise by William Butler Yeats
- Sacrifice by George William Russell
- Sailing To Byzantium by William Butler Yeats
- Salve! by Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke
- San Miniato by Oscar Wilde
- Santa Decca by Oscar Wilde
- Sappho's Hymn to Venus by John Cunningham
- Satan Speaks by C. S. Lewis
- Satan Speaks (II) by C. S. Lewis
- Science-fiction Cradlesong by C. S. Lewis
- Sea Oranges by Tony Kitt
- Self-Discipline by George William Russell
- Sensuality. An Elegy by John Corry
- Sent As From A School--Fellow To My Son by Mary Barber
- September 1913 by William Butler Yeats
- Serenade (For Music) by Oscar Wilde
- Shancoduff by Patrick Kavanagh
- She Moved Through the Faire by Padraic Colum
- She Weeps over Rahoon by James Joyce
- Sheep and Lambs by Katharine Tynan
- Shepherd And Goatherd by William Butler Yeats
- Sid Hamet's Rod by Jonathan Swift
- Silentium Amoris by Oscar Wilde