Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous Irish Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best Irish Poetry
- Lady Acheson Weary Of The Dean by Jonathan Swift
- Lambs by Katharine Tynan
- Lapis Lazuli by William Butler Yeats
- Law by Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke
- Le Jardin by Oscar Wilde
- Le Jardin des Tuileries by Oscar Wilde
- Le Panneau by Oscar Wilde
- Lean Out of the Window by James Joyce
- Leaving the Island by David Whyte
- Leda And The Swan by William Butler Yeats
- Legacy by Diana Clay
- Leonardo's 'Monna Lisa' by Edward Dowden
- Les Ballons by Oscar Wilde
- Les Silhouettes by Oscar Wilde
- Letters by Spike Milligan
- Libertatis Sacra Fames by Oscar Wilde
- Lies within Truth by Sanna Khalid
- Light and Dark by George William Russell
- Lightly Come or Lightly Go by James Joyce
- Limbo by Seamus Heaney
- Lines Written In Dejection by William Butler Yeats
- Literary Adventures by Patrick Kavanagh
- Little Boy, Little Girl by Dermot ODonnell
- Little Things by Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke
- Living Well by Dermot ODonnell
- Long-Legged Fly by William Butler Yeats
- Looking Upwards by Tony Kitt
- Lost by Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke
- Louis Napoleon by Oscar Wilde
- Love by George William Russell