Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous African-American Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best African-American Poetry
- Juliek's Violin by Cyrus Cassells
- Justice by Langston Hughes
- juxtaposing the black boy & the bullet by Danez Smith
- Ka 'Ba by Amiri Baraka
- Kaleidoscope by Sonia Sanchez
- Kali's Galaxy by Ishmael Reed
- Kathleen by Fenton Johnson
- Kentucky Moon by Fenton Johnson
- Kids Who Die by Langston Hughes
- Killing the Form by Camonghne Felix
- Kin You Tell Me? by Fenton Johnson
- king the color of space/tower of molasses & marrow by Danez Smith
- Kitchenette Building by Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks
- Knowing You Might Some Day Come by Alice Walker
- Knoxville Tennessee by Nikki Giovanni
- La Paloma in London by Claude McKay
- Lady Freedom Among Us by Rita Dove
- lady liberty by Tato Laviera
- Lady, Lady by Anne Spencer
- Late Diagnosis Starting with a Tweet by Khadijah Queen
- latero story by Tato Laviera
- Launcelot's Defiance by Fenton Johnson
- Lazarus Minor by Duriel E. Harris
- Lazy Love Song by Patricia Smith
- Le sporting-club de Monte Carlo (for Lena Horne) by James Baldwin
- Leaves by Afaa Michael Weaver
- Leda, After The Swan by Carl Phillips
- Left by Nikky Finney
- Legacies by Nikki Giovanni
- Legacy by Amiri Baraka