Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous African-American Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best African-American Poetry
- Charlene-n-Booker 4ever by Forrest Hamer
- Charles Sumner by Henrietta Cordelia Ray
- Charles Sumner by Charlotte Forten Grimké
- Charlie Chaplin Impersonates a Poet by Cornelius Eady
- Charmaine by Marcus B. Christian
- Chicago Exposition Ode by Mary Weston Fordham
- Chicago high school love letters by Nate Marshall
- Chicago Noir by Gary Copeland Lilley
- Childhood by Margaret Walker
- Children Of The Sun by Fenton Johnson
- Children's Rhymes by Langston Hughes
- Chimera by Vievee Francis
- Chocolate by Rita Dove
- Choices by Nikki Giovanni
- Chorus of the Captains by Amanda Gorman
- Christmas Eve: My Mother Dressing by Toi Derricotte
- Circling the Daughter by Etheridge Knight
- Civilization by Carl Phillips
- Clarinet by Cyrus Cassells
- Clays Defeat by George Moses Horton
- Climaxes & Joints by Yolanda J. Franklin
- Climbing China’s Great Wall by Afaa Michael Weaver
- Closure by Natasha Marin
- Coal by Audre Lorde
- Cocktails with Orpheus by Terrance Hayes
- Coherence in Consequence by Claudia Rankine
- Colosseum by Jericho Brown
- Come Along by Fenton Johnson
- Comfortable Corpses by Raquel Lake
- Comin’ Home by Fenton Johnson